Nepflix: The New Streaming Service!

Nepflix: The New Streaming Service!


Category: web

For our school project, Jamie Groenevelt, Naomi Ben-Harroum, and I created a fake Netflix clone, which we named "Nepflix". This project was a cool and fun learning experience, allowing us to apply and expand our knowledge of web development technologies such as CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.

Our main objective was to replicate the look and feel of Netflix, providing a user-friendly interface that showcases various "movies" and "shows" in a grid format. We wanted to ensure that Nepflix not only looked good but also functioned smoothly, mimicking the seamless user experience of the original Netflix platform.

Technologies Used


We used HTML as the backbone of our project, structuring the content of our pages. This involved creating various elements such as headers, footers, navigation bars, and sections for featured content.


We used a combination of custom CSS and Bootstrap 5 to create a responsive and modern design. Bootstrap's pre-built components and grid system allowed us to quickly layout the site, while custom CSS enabled us to tweak the design to match our vision more closely.


JavaScript brought interactivity to Nepflix. We used it to handle user interactions, such as clicking on a play button to play the video.

Bootstrap 5

Bootstrap 5 was instrumental in speeding up our development process. Its responsive grid system ensured that our layout looked great on all devices, from mobile phones to desktop computers. We also leveraged Bootstrap's components, such as modals and carousels, to add functionality and style to our project.


We used GitHub for version control and collaboration. It allowed us to work on different parts of the project simultaneously, track changes, and merge our work seamlessly. Jamie worked on navigation bar meanwhile Naomi worked on the movie cards while I worked on the footer, it made us really productive

Project Highlights


Creating Nepflix was a sem-challenging yet rewarding experience. It provided us with practical skills in web development and collaboration, preparing us for future projects in the tech field. We are proud of what we have achieved and look forward to applying these skills to even more ambitious projects in the future.